Helpful Tips For A Good Content Marketing Strategy

Helpful Tips For A Good Content Marketing Strategy
Content is not just writing blogs, tweets and web pages which work in synchronization with the business goals. As the social outreach and branding are two very important elements of content management but there is much more to it. And if you are involved in digital marketing or you want to be, then there is a need to develop a good content marketing strategy. So, here we will highlight the key areas which any content manager or strategist need a powerful understanding of to run a successful digital marketing campaign.
Understanding the content marketing sales funnel:
Although the sales funnel is a very broad term which perfectly describes the purchaser’s decision journey, where the three chief phases are awareness, evaluation and purchase. Anyone that is involved in sales and marketing needs to pay very close attention to the whole marketing process to be able to gain a better understanding of what is making buyers move through the funnel. To some extent, it is to be considered as outreach which implies that it is something of importance. For someone who is an outsider, this aspect would be really different from digital marketing.
Viewing of content as data:
A good content strategy is about engaging the audience at every turn and therefore a good strategist needs to know how the content is working. When you get to know how content works then that information can be used to enter the second phase. Your strategy will be guided to you by the analytics. The main job of a content strategist is to monitor, track and report on the numbers to be able to refine and adjust towards the better conversions. You need to maintain a track of where your customers are coming from and where they are going, what they want and what they don’t. Therefore, you need to assess the traffic patterns continuously. Continuously testing what you are doing on the basis of your content strategy is how you will get an idea about your target audience.
Forming a plan:
Creation of a calendar is very important for a successful content strategy. Similar to any editorial calendar which is for a traditional publication, a calendar which can help in guiding your strategy throughout a given timeframe. You can go on with adding special dates in here like the major holidays and events that are quite relevant to your industry. You would want to leave some spots that are totally black, for example, as and when any unpredictable topic or event comes up then for that you need to create content for the last minute. This calendar can be used to not only plan what you’re going to post but also where you’re going to post it. Having a strategy and even including outreach for example guest posting or even PR is very important these days. You need to consider different distribution channels that will fit well into our sales strategy along with the timeline of other months that follow.
After considering distribution, you would want to keep in mind different purposes which different types of content have and how it affects marketing and how you can use different combinations of content to save the time and resources. You can consider establishing an authority via guest blogging, composing blogs with an email series and using social media for building tribes and groups. It is therefore reasonable and quite effective to develop a strategy that is based on chunks of content which can be easily repurposed via different channels and for various purposes. Anything which provides us the easy way to approach the audience via distribution is really precious.
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