Top essential e-commerce trends in the year 2020

Top essential e-commerce trends in the year 2020
E-commerce has brought in evolution in the retail industry which is highly phenomenal and paves the path of the future of shopping. It has certainly moved to a new level where it is meeting the changing needs of the people and improving the overall shopping experience. Every factor has contributed to the growth of the e-commerce industry immensely. There’s still more to unbox meaning the trends for the year 2020 are here to be witnessed by the population. In order to forge ahead in the cut-throat competition, it is important to keep a check over the ongoing trends and monitor them precisely.
Here is a list of the top essential e-commerce trends that a business person must be aware of in the year 2020:
Tremendous growth in sales:
As we are aware that online shopping is one of the most popular activities and that more people are taking advantage of being at home and shopping online, it brings a rapid growth in the sales for online businesses. Moreover, building trust and an improvised website experience also contribute to a large no. of online shoppers coming to the website to shop more frequently for their favorite products. When the whole concept of online shopping was new, most people were quite reluctant to buy products online, but that’s not the case in 2020. People now prefer shopping online rather offline due to a customer-friendly experience.
Positive effects after pandemic:
“The e-commerce penetration rates are predicted to increase from 15% in 2020 to 25% in 2025.” The worldwide pandemic has impacted every kind of business, including e-commerce but it turns out to be a positive one if we look from the future’s perspective. There is going to be a static behavioral shift in using digital payment which is, for now, a requirement in order to avoid contact. Great convenience and comfort in shopping from home and making payments will eventually bring more online shoppers on the websites. According to market analysts, the e-commerce industry is declared to be the biggest beneficiary of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Convenience in mobile shopping:
According to statistics, “ 73% of e-commerce sales will be made on mobile devices by 2021.” Keeping this in view, businesses should focus more on improving the overall mobile shopping experience for the people. While sitting in the comfort of home, people do a lot of research before purchasing a product on mobile phones and then finally make a firm decision of buying the product. Consumers feel a sense of comfort and convenience while doing this. The online store should also be optimized for the consumers to have easy access to shopping from the store.
Voice commerce is widely used:
“ 55% of growth predicted in voice commerce by 2022.” Voice shopping is a fascinating and totally new experience that does not mean shopping by visuals. It is where a person commands the voice assistant to search for the product that makes it a nonvisual experience. It is a more convenient option when it comes to online shopping. This is a new trend for now but it will be highly popular and profitable in the coming years. The products that are purchased via voice shopping are generally low-value products, food items, low-cost electronics or homeware products. The businesses really need to look for a more customer-oriented approach in order to get more customers for voice shopping.
Social media in e-commerce:
There are a huge number of shoppers from social media through platforms like Facebook and instagram. It is a great way for brands to get discovered through social media as more and more people are active here. This means the potential buyers are available, only the social media presence of the brand is needed. The brands can easily influence the customers by providing valuable content on their social media handles and thereby attracting more leads. It is the most common way of bringing more customers without creating a hype of the products.
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